1 – Excursion privée : Vang Vieng vu d’en haut – ses montagnes, ses grottes et ses lagons

1 – Excursion privée : Vang Vieng vu d’en haut – ses montagnes, ses grottes et ses lagons

This activity is for physically-fit visitors who want to enjoy the most stunning views of Vang Vieng from high up in the mountains. They will also get a chance to visit a beautiful but little-known cave as well as a lagoon.

Private tour, advanced reservation required

Difficulté : difficulty


6 hours Program
Hotel > Viewpoint > Cave > Lagoon > Hotel

This tour starts either around 7 a.m. to have breakfast at the top of the mountains with a dazzling view, or around 1 p.m. to have sunset drinks at the top of the same mountains.

In case of early morning departure, your local English-speaking guide will take you directly to the foot of the viewpoint selected for you. The climbing will not be technically difficult, but it will require good physical fitness. It will last approximately 45 minutes. The breathtaking view at the top is well worth the effort! You will be served a breakfast prepared for the occasion and which you will remember for a long time.

After this 45-minute breakfast break, you will return to your starting point from where you will be taken to the entrance of one of the most impressive caves in Vang Vieng. You will visit it in the company of a local Hmong farmer who will share the story of the cave with you and take you through the multitude of tunnels it contains.

Once the visit is over, you will go to a lagoon lost in the countryside where you will be able to swim or simply rest and have a drink.
You will be returned to the hotel in time to enjoy the sunset.

The program which starts at 1 p.m. is similar but it begins with a visit to the lagoon and ends with the sunset at the top of the mountains.

Départ Riverside Boutique Resort à 7:00 am ou 1:00 pm
Retour Riverside Boutique Resort à 1:00 pm ou 7:00 pm
Durée 6 heures
Activités Escalade, marche, visite d'une cave, petit-déjeuner ou boisson au coucher du soleil
Difficulté de l'escalade moyenne
Transferts Véhicule 4x4 ou minivan
Que faut-il prévoir Chapeau, crème solaire, chaussures et vêtements confortables
Compris dans le prix Guide anglophone, transport, petit-déjeuner ou apéritif au coucher du soleil

Tableau des prix

Durée Prix par personne Surcharge privatisation par groupe, véhicule standard Surcharge privatisation par groupe, minivan
1 – Excursion privée : Vang Vieng vu d’en haut – ses montagnes, ses grottes et ses lagons 6 heures 146 $ 84 $ 63 $ 53 $ Excursion privative -
Formulaire de réservation

Formulaire de réservation

Le coût du tour sera facturé sur la chambre chambre sous réserve des conditions d'annulation suivantes:

  • Moins de 15 jours avant le départ du tour: 50% du coût du tour sera facturé
  • Moins de 07 jours avant le départ du tour: 80% du coût du tour sera facturé
  • Moins de 03 jours avant le départ du tour: ou non présentation, 100% du coût du tour sera facturé